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Wise Money – another award winning website

Wise Money – another award winning website to improve your life.

Winner of: was accepted and recognised by the United Nations as a UN Compact Group business, July 2004.

The first and only financial services website that meets the SafeBuy Assurance Scheme for web-based retailers- and is endorsed by TrustUK, the industry self-regulatory body set up by the Consumers’ Association and the Alliance for Electronic Business, supported by the UK Government, October 2003.

Upgraded to a Four Star “Very Good” Star Rating by the international Shop Safe consumer guide for online shoppers- they only list online shops that meet their code of practice along with the best deals and bargains, September 2003.

Awarded a Golden Web Awards for the years 2003- 2004 which was presented by the International Association of WebMasters and Designers, August 2003.

First ecommerce organisation to successfully pass the new upgraded Investor In People review and recognised as continuing to meet the requirements of the national Standard for effective Investment In People, May 2003.

Declared to be “Highly Recommended” in Business Link and the South West of England’s Smart Thursday’s e-Xemplar for helping local businesses to make online marketing profits, December 2002.
Shortlisted as one of three finalists by the British Business Awards Association for their “Excellence in Marketing” awards, November 2001.

Shortlisted as one of three finalists by the British Business Awards Association for their “Investors In People” awards, November 2000.

Three page feature article written by the Editor in the “Investor In People” magazine in Autumn 2000.
Showcased in the book “Here’s to the best of British” published by the Design Council in September 2000.

“Internet Magazine” reviewed the leading financial services web sites in the UK and ranked to be one of the top seven in April 2000.
Investors In People awarded by Business Link for our unique approach to staff development in March 2000.

Member of the SEO Professionals- since 1999

Member of the White Hat marketing organisation since 1999

Member of the White Hat organisation
The Design Council and the Department of Trade & Industry awarded as the first retail Millennium Product website in August 1999.

FIND the leading UK financial information website- awarded as “’s” Website of the Week on July 1999.

Which Online of the “Consumers’ Association” first passed for selling financial services in July 1999.

The Department of Trade and Industry in their “InterForum E-Commerce” awards commended for “demonstrating an exemplary use of electronic commerce” in June1999.